A decade or two after we designed our Load Leveling Container Spreader we received inquiries for an electric container spreader frame, and a couple of years ago we were finally able to make those inquiries a reality and design a 20-foot Electric Load Leveling Spreader Frame, the AX17A00-00A-PA.
The 20-foot model was so successful that the same customer came back for us to design and manufacture a 40-foot model called the AX17B00-00A-PA Electric Load Leveling Spreader Frame. Both products provide many benefits to customers, least of which is handling unevenly loaded containers in a safe and controlled manner, and both the 20-foot and 40-foot Electrolocs can level the containers while under load. Both sizes of the Electrolocs feature an onboard battery bank, charging system and monitoring system with LED signal lights, wireless remote control, and motorized locking/unlocking, allowing for a true hands-free off lift if needed. To learn more about our 40-foot frame, check out our video on YouTube.
Our Electroloc has become increasingly popular and has led to a similar product design in the AZ24A00-00A-PA which is designed to reach where a crane can’t and features an offset counterweight. We are very excited about these new products as our engineering team continues to deliver for the needs of our customers. Whatever your lifting needs are, our engineering department is capable of custom design. Call us today!